Wifi Desktop Dot Peen
Bench Mounted Wifi Dot peen
Angular, Circular, Mirror, Inverted, Serial Numbers, Date and Shift Codes
CSV File Marking is simple and straight forward.
Direct output to a barcode printer possible.
Mark Datamatrix & QRCode barcodes from the software.
120mm x 100mm area to cover 95% of Desktop marking applications.
80 X 30 and 150 X 50 models also available.
Hi-Performance Electo-Magnetic Stylus for 24 x 7 working.
Force of marking can be set using force codes.
Machine also available in Pneumatic version.
3Axis System with Rotary device or Motorised Z axis is also available.
Multilingual user interface available in 11 languages.
Operate over a Windows or Android based device.
Not portable may struggle to mark larger parts.