Maintenance free Laser
These systems are sealed air-cooled fibre source, which require no maintenance or consumables.
Dual laser focusing
Having two laser pointers mounted on the laser head enables quick, easy, and precise focussing directly on to
the workpiece.
Trace laser positioning
By simply pressing a button the BLX Laser can trace either the exact outline or a perimeter box of the intended mark on to the workpiece for quick and easy alignment.
Lenses (right tool for the right job)
Although the standard lens supplied with the BLX is a good all-round lens, there may be times when more detail or a large marking area is required. To optimise the BLX for task required, simply change the lens to one more suited to the task at hand. Contact us for more details.
Motorised Z Axis
Focussing is an integral part of any laser system. The BLX is fitted with an electric Z Axis and speed controller. The user can, at a flick of a switch optimise the focus height of the machine to match correct focus height of the work piece.